Workshops For Students.

With the increase in student loan costs, the recent strikes, and the rising price of food and lodgings, the logistical challenges of student life outside of study are immense. Combine that with the backdrop of economic turmoil, climate change, the development of nationalism, and the conflicts that ensue, the future post-graduation seems as uncertain as ever.
Workshop content
I offer free workshops both online and offline covering a wide range of topics relevant to student life. I also design bespoke presentations. Workshops incorporate all the essentials of wellbeing including optimum sleep, stress management, nutrition, and exercise. Topics covered include efficient and effective study, financial management, how to switch off and meditate, resilience, self-esteem, relationship skills, and more. There is also an opportunity for Q+A.
Here’s what students have said about the workshop

I was blown away by the depth of knowledge and practical insights gained from this workshop. It’s not just about managing stress; it’s a holistic journey toward improved well-being. I learned effective communication skills, redefined my sleep habits, and made positive changes in my diet and exercise routine. This workshop has truly transformed the way I approach life and my relationships.
Length of workshop
One hour is the most popular length, (45-minute and 30-minute workshops also available). All workshops can be in person or online as needed.
I offer all workshops free of charge.
Post-workshop one-on-one support
I offer free email support for any attendees who have questions that come up after the workshop.